Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Young Rajah Movie Herald

This is a Movie Herald from the film, "The Young Rajah." Most Heralds are very collectible but not too difficult to find. They are great collectibles, they are like mini original posters.


  1. I just bought this. I wanted The Sainted Devil, but I missed out. Oh well. I already have one for Monsieur Beaucaire. They are a cool vintage little item.

  2. I love movie heralds! I do not understand why they are not more valuable. They are like mini movie posters or programs. Good luck on The Sainted Devil herald!

  3. I found this same herald, immaculately preserved in a high school geography book for the last 89 years. It's great, and I especially love the fact that one of the names written on the inside of the book corresponds to the lightly penciled movie-goer's name on the back of the herald. I can imagine the whole scene! Alas, I am overwhelmed with cool old stuff and am selling some of my collectibles that don't really "belong" with me. Since I don't have much else to speak of in the Valentino/silent film department and am already swamped in ephemera I love, this is one of those things. If anyone is interested, please email I'd like to see it go to a good home.
