Thursday, December 31, 2009

Idol of the Jazz Age

This is a Castle Super 8 Film, most likely from the 70's. It is entitled "Idol of the Jazz Age." These are vey common, but it is a great picture from The Four Horseman.


  1. Is this a documentary of some kind?

  2. Ana, that is a great question. It is a super 8 film and I have never watched it. It could be a short documentary, I will see if I can find out anything else on this one.

  3. You are so funny, cause you don't care what the heck it is as long as it has a picture of Valentino on it you gotta have it!! I've seen this on ebay a few times but there is never any info on what the film is about.

  4. Hahaha, you are exactly right. If they made it I would probably buy Valentino spaghetti sauce!!

  5. He was a great Italian cook, as you know. Wouldn't it be great if his sauce recipe were out there some where? Somebody could make a fortune.

  6. I am sure his family has it somewhere, that would be great!

  7. I cleaned out a closet and found the 8mm complete edition of Rudolph Valentino Idol of the Jazz age. I got it in the 80s when a library deleted it from their collection. I don't have a projector to view it.
