Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spanish Son of the Sheik Booklet

This is a Spanish booklet that depicts Valentino on the cover reading mail. This is from a Spanish Chocolate company. The top reads Evaristo Juncosa, collection of movies, Rodolfo Valentino from The Son of the Sheik. This appears to be promoting Valentino and The Son of Sheik. This is not a very common booklet, but not extremely valuable.


  1. Hi Brad:

    Love your site. It's a great guide for us begin-
    ning collectors. I was born ten years after
    Valentino's death, but have always been fascin-
    ated by the man himself.


  2. Thank you for the kind words. It is great to hear from another Valentino collector. If there are any questions I can answer for you let me know, thank you again and enjoy the site.
