This is a 1939 Movie Poster from the film, The Son of the Sheik. This poster is similar to a window card, which typically measures 14'x22', this one happens to measure 12'x26'. This poster is Swedish and is from the re-release of the film. This is an interesting variation of the movie art for the film; however, the poster does a poor job of depicting Valentino as the star of the film. I still find it to be a great example of a 30's re-release poster.
I was in Pike market ( the outdoor market of downtown Seattle) today and saw one of those little sandwhich diners. There was a wall there with all of those celebrity autograph walls. Right there was Rudy, as the Shiek of course, as though he had never had another role! Still, nice to magically come upon Rudy on my daily doings!